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Embassy of Georgia to Canada


NEW DATES!  The 7th International Summer School “Georgian Manuscript”

NEW DATES! The 7th International Summer School “Georgian Manuscript”

The 7th International Summer School “Georgian Manuscript” Tbilisi, Georgia July 16-22, 2024 The Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts in collaboration with the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) and with financial support from the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, will held the 7th International Summer School “Georgian Manuscript”. The goal of the project is to popularize Kartvelological studies, emphasize the versatility and importance of the Georgian manuscript as a product of intercultural relations; to continue scientific traditions established by Korneli Kekelidze, Ilia Abuladze, Elene Metreveli, Zaza Aleksidze, development of international cooperative relations and integration of Georgian scientists into the international scientific space.

საქართველოს საელჩო კანადაში აცხადებს სტაჟირების მსურველთა შესარჩევ კონკურსს

საქართველოს საელჩო კანადაში აცხადებს სტაჟირების მსურველთა შესარჩევ კონკურსს

საქართველოს საელჩო კანადაში, სტაჟირების გავლის მსურველთა მომზადების, გადამზადების, მათი კვალიფიკაციის ამაღლებისა და პრაქტიკული უნარ-ჩვევების გამომუშავების მიზნით, აცხადებს სტაჟირების კონკურსს:   განაცხადების მიღების ვადაა 2023 წლის 1 ნოემბრიდან 14 ნოემბრის ჩათვლით. სტაჟირების გავლის პერიოდის შერჩევა მოხდება გამარჯვებულ კანდიდატ(ებ)თან შეთანხმებით.

Statement on the situation in Ukraine

Statement on the situation in Ukraine

Russia’s military actions undermine Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty as well as the UN Charter and fundamental principles of the international law that will have severe consequences not only for Ukraine, but also for the entire international community.

Inauguration of the Canadian-Georgian Chamber of Commerce in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Inauguration of the Canadian-Georgian Chamber of Commerce in Winnipeg, Manitoba

On January 21, 2022 the Georgian Ambassador to Canada Konstantin Kavtaradze paid a visit to Winnipeg, province of Manitoba where he took part in the inauguration ceremony of the Canadian-Georgian Chamber of Commerce. ​



On December 13, by the invitation of the Tribute to Liberty and the Canadian Polish Club, Ambassador Konstantin Kavtaradze took part in a commemorating event dedicated to the "Solidarity"/“Solidarność democratic movement in 1980s Poland and the 40th anniversary of the imposition of martial law by the Polish communist regime.

Ambassador Kavtaradze held a meeting with the Mayor of Port Moody.

Ambassador Kavtaradze held a meeting with the Mayor of Port Moody.

During his visit to British Columbia, Ambassador Konstantin Kavtaradze met with the Mayor of Port Moody Rob Vagramov, whose family is from Georgia. Rob Vagramov is the youngest elected mayor in Canada. Ambassador presented the Appreciation Award to the Mayor for his support to the Georgian Diaspora of British Columbia